
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Birds in Jerusalem, Israel II

Guess your legs are tired.  And are you staring at my sister?

Don't fly away!!

You look too much like a statue!
Well, this really is a statue!

These sparrows are in a row.

This is a parrot from my window.

These parrots are flying around!

And then they stop.

Cats in Jerusalem, Israel III

Big cat--no, don't run away from me!

What are you eating?

Again to my legs?

Are you scared?

I guess you ate too much, cat!
You're too fat!

Cat is staring at something.

Cat is running away.

"Now I feel safe in jail," says Cat.

Staring at me?

Are you the queen of the cats?

Maybe you want me to leave?

Well, I guess so.

So, goodbye!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Cats in Jerusalem, Israel II

I saw this cat digging food from the trash dump.

I saw this cat licking the ground.  I think it is licking because it thinks the ground is tasting good.

I think this cat is cute because it is licking itself.

I think this cat is running away from me!

Wait a minute, cat.  Why are you staring at me???

What are you looking at, little cat?

Don't smell my food!  CAT!!!!!

Don't run away!  I want to take a picture of you!

Why do you look so naughty?

How did you lose an eye, cat?
So sad for you.  :(

What are you eating, Cat??

Why are you (on the right) staring at the other gigantic cat??

Are you facing the moon again?

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Birds from my Window in Jerusalem, Israel

I saw this bird on the tree from my window.

I also saw this bird on the tree from my window.

I saw this bird from my window tree.

I also saw this bird from my window.  This bird is black and brown.

Birds in Jerusalem, Israel

I saw this bird up on a tree beside our congregation.

I saw this bird on a roof.  I think the bird is looking for food!

This bird is playing!

This bird is eating its food on our porch!

I saw this parrot on the air conditioner outside our apartment.  It is beautiful!

I saw this pigeon close to a museum.

I saw this quail on the wire.

Cats in Jerusalem, Israel

I saw this cat in the store.

I saw this cat on the road.

I saw this cat beside a trash dump.

I saw this cat walking up the stone steps.

I saw this cat beside the stairs leading to the 2nd station on the Via Dolorosa.

I saw this cat beside a tree of olives in the old city.

I saw this cat staring at something.